Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My treat in this month..

I have just bought myself an irresistible pampering deal!!!!

RM 48 for :

* Signature Purifying Facial

* Aromatherapy Body Massage

* Rose Salt Body Scrub

* Steam Bath

* Foot Spa (original price : RM290 - 83% off!!)

in : S Spa Mont Kiara..

right after i purchased the voucher terus call and make reservation on the 2nd April... Wah.. tak sabarnye nak pergi memanjakan diri.. been keeping myself away from SPA sejak preggy.. skarang payback time..hehe.. and thanks to MilkADeal , MyDeal, HAHAH dan seangkatan dengannya skarang banyak offer2 yg menarik at a price yg kita tak boleh resist!!

lagi2 yg shopaholic nih..hehe Kalau dulu nak dapat offer2 camni hanya ada kat newspaper..lepastu blakang2 resit groceries.. then keluar buku2 coupons... n wah-laa... marketing skarang ni pun ikut trend.. all thanks to FB i suppose :)

Paling tak sabar nak tunggu aromatherapy body massage...since im a spa-lover (satu hari nanti nak bukak spa sendiri!) every month mesti at least 1 kali pergi spa.. tapi semenjak ade baby ni jarang dapat peluang...weekend ade je activity.. but then again..eventho when u r married atau pun ade anak..skali skala memang kena ade masa sendiri.. so life kita akan balance..kalau tak nanti..sampai beranak cucu pun takde masa utk rehat.. masa rehat hanya masa tido?

salah tu... bagi lah chance kat hubby untuk jaga baby sebentar..tak lama pun..3hrs only :) Kita mesti ade budget utk diri sendiri every month.. jgn melampau sudah la...almaklum la dah berkeluarga.. ;) Wait for my review on the spa.. is it worth for my $$$?? (crossing fingers)

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. ya! that's true! go pampered yourself =)!

  2. mahu jugak blh?ahahaha..bes nye if dpt urut2 rendam2 ;)

  3. Raydo : tunggu u dtg KL and we go have fun!

    Ainaa: Go BUY NOW!! http://www.milkadeal.com
