Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Luck is finally on my side.

Woot woot. This must be my lucky week.

I have never won ANYTHING before. I guess luck is on my side this time around. Finally.

I won 2 premiere screening tickets with Nuffnangers for the movie THE ROOMATE which are happening on 18th April 2011!! I'm one of the lucky 60 creative comments on: "what you would do to escape from someone obsessed about you"

And my answer was:

"Simple. I'll gave him or her another obsession to replace his/her obsession to me. Pretend I care and go along with him/her being obsessed with me and say that I'm into something else (new obsession) and force him/her to be obsessed with this new obsession too. If he/her is obsessed with me, surely they will follow whatever you say or love whatever you say you love.

Then, when the time is right RUNNNNN your life. HAHA. you don't want to be stuck with this psycho."

Obsessed - obsession - obscured

Owh. And who will i bring as my plus 1? My current roommate of course. mr.hubby. hehe. (Da lama tak dating tgk wayang ni. hiks)

Just the other day we talk about how long we haven't gone out for a movie date and the next couple of days..I received an email from Nuffnang that make my gloomy Monday become so colorful!

That prove my positive vibes is back on track.

-Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity-

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